Bryant C. Freeman

- Professor Emeritus of African and African American Studies
- Former Chair Univ. of Kansas Dept. of French and Italian
- Founder Univ. of Kansas Institute of Haitian Studies
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Biography —
Bryant Freeman is a retired emeritus University of Kansas professor. He is primarily known for being the founder and director of the University of Kansas Institute of Haitian Studies, one of the few such institutes in a major university in the United States. Freeman received his Ph.D. in French from Yale University, specializing in the work of Jean Racine.
He has also been an instructor for the United Nations Observers in Haiti, an advisor for U.S. and U.N. Peace-Keeping Forces in Haiti, receiving the protocol rank of Major General.
Selected Publications —
Major Publications:
Haitian-English Dictionary (1,074 pp. in 5th ed.).
Editor, Complete Works of leading Haitian novelist, Carrié Paultre (eighteen vol. in Haitian Creole).
Collector and Editor, Ann Bay Lodyans (sixteen small vol. of Haitian folktales in Haitian Creole, later republished in two large vol.).
Concordance du Théâtre et des Poésies de Jean Racine (1,783 pp. in 2 vol.).
Konkòdans Bib la (with Jim Ross) (1,550 pp.).
Other Books Published:
Third-World Folk Beliefs and Practices: Haitian Medical Anthropology.
Haitian-English English-Haitian Medical Dictionary (3rd ed.).
Haitian-English Medical Phraseology (3rd ed.).
Diksyonè Òtograf Kreyòl Ayisyen.
Dictionnaire inverse de la Langue créole haïtienne.
Dictionnaire préliminaire des Fréquences de la Langue créole haïtienne.
Ti Koze Kreyòl: A Haitian-Creole Conversation Manual (2nd ed.).
Chita Pa Bay: Elementary Readings in Haitian Creole (3rd ed.).
Survival Creole (English [5th ed.], French, German, and Spanish editions).
Haitian Creole for Peace Support (English and French editions).
Books edited with Introduction:
James Leyburn, The Haitian People. Frank Etienne, Pelentèt. Lyonel Desmarattes, Mouche Defas. Jan Mapou, Anba Mapou a. Jan-Wobè Kadè, Restavèk. Lodewijk Peleman, Gesproken Taal van Haïti. Anon., Wonn Refleksyon (two vol.). Michelle Etnire, Haiti: The Orphan Chronicles. Beaudelaine Pierre, Testaman. Roger Nelson, Zwazo Ayiti yo. Author/Editor of 29 Occasional Papers of the Univ. of Kansas Institute of Haitian Studies. Plus numerous articles, papers, and book reviews.
President: North-Am. Society for 17th-Century French Literature (2 terms).
Modern Foreign Lang. Assoc. of Virginia.
Kansas Chapter, Am. Assoc. of Teachers of French.
Clumber Spaniel Club of Am. (2 terms).
Charlottesville-Albemarle Kennel Club.
Delegate: American Kennel Club.
Life Member: Modern Lang. Assoc. of Am.; Am. Assoc. of Teachers of French; Clumber Spaniel Club of Am.; Lawrence-Jayhawk Kennel Club.
Member: Haitian Studies Assoc.; Société Internationale des Etudes Créoles; Society for Caribbean Linguistics; Richmond Symphony; Virginia State Symphony; Lawrence Symphony; and other orchestras.
Awards & Honors —
Lifetime Achievement Award for Service to the Haitian People.
U.S. Dept. of Justice Commissioner's Special Service Award.
Kansas Humanities Council Award. Kansas French Educator of the Year.
Woodrow Wilson Fellow. Phi Beta Kappa.
Yale Univ. Fellow. Fulbright Scholar.