Certificate Overview
Graduate Certificate Program
Academic goals of the program
AAAS’s central objective in the Graduate Certificate Program is to formally recognize the expertise students in a range of disciplines already obtain in African Studies or in African-American Studies in a manner that enhances students' career opportunities. The Graduate Certificate Program enables graduate students to formally claim expertise in an area of the field of African Studies or African-American Studies through completion of 12 hours of graduate coursework.
Each certificate requires 1 core course and 3 electives. In close consultation with the Director of Graduate Studies, a student designs a coherent sequence of 3 elective courses. All courses, including language course work, must be taken at the 500 level or above. At least 1 of the electives must be taken at the 700 level or above. Only courses with an African focus may count toward the African Studies Graduate Certificate, and only courses with an African-American focus may count toward the African-American Studies Graduate Certificate. No more than 3 hours of directed readings or independent study may be counted. At least 2 of the elective courses must be taken with a AAAS faculty member.